When Elstree Props listed their business for sale on eBay in November 2007 (see Elstree Props Retiring, Offering Business For Sale), I posed the following question with regard to the “100% unconditional guarantee”: [Read more…]
More On James Bond “Golden Gun” Reported Stolen from Elstree Props
I have continued to conduct further research into the history of the “golden gun” from the James Bond film, The Man with the Golden Gun, following mainstream media reports that the original prop was stolen from Elstree Props at Elstree Studios. [Read more…]
Elstree Props, New Ownership, Announcement On Redesigned Website
As I have heard from various hobbyists over the past several months, it is finally publicly announced that Elstree Props was sold. The new owner has contacted me via e-mail and launched a new website today which includes a formal announcement. [Read more…]
James Bond “Golden Gun” Reported Stolen from Elstree Props – Update
In the past few days, I have conducted additional research regarding the original “golden gun(s)” from the 1974 James Bond film The Man With The Golden Gun. This topic was raised by worldwide news reports covering a/the “golden gun” reported stolen from Elstree Props, a tenant within Elstree Studios. [Read more…]
Questions About James Bond “Golden Gun” Reported Stolen from Elstree Props, Elstree Studios
As noted yesterday (see James Bond “Golden Gun” Reported Stolen from Elstree Studios), the “golden gun” from the 1974 James Bond film The Man With The Golden Gun was reported stolen from Elstree Props, a tenant within Elstree Studios. I have assembled some additional information, research, reports, and a list of questions that pertain to the prop and reported theft, as picked up by many news agencies worldwide. [Read more…]
James Bond “Golden Gun” Reported Stolen from Elstree Studios
Per reports originating with the BBC, the “Golden Gun” from the 1974 James Bond film The Man With The Golden Gun has been stolen from Elstree Studios. [Read more…]
Star Wars “Prototype” Stormtrooper Helmets Update: High Court Ruling Excerpts on LFL v. SDS Case
Given the British High Court ruling on the case of Lucasfilm vs. Andrew Ainsworth (see Lucasfilm vs. Ainsworth High Court Ruling: Full Document from Royal Courts of Justice), and the additional information available from the court documents, I thought it would be a good opportunity to build on the prior OPB article exploring the “prototype” Stormtrooper helmets (see Star Wars “Prototype” Stormtrooper Helmets) trading in the marketplace as original and authentic precursors to the helmets used on set and filmed in Star Wars: A New Hope. [Read more…]
Lucasfilm vs. Ainsworth High Court Ruling: Full Document from Royal Courts of Justice
“Exoray” from the RPF is hosting a full HTML version of the High Court ruling on the case between Lucasfilm and Andrew Ainsworth in the legal dispute over the trademark and copyright of the Stormtrooper helmet and other helmets and armor produced for Star Wars: A New Hope. I have not had time to review the full ruling in detail, but thought readers would be interested in reviewing it first hand: [Read more…]