As I’ve mentioned many, many times, there are always countless fake/replica/reproduction props and costumes listed on eBay as “authentic” and “genuine” and used on this or that television show or in a certain movie. So even if I took it upon myself to make note of these as a full-time job, I could never cover everything. But it is particularly irksome when someone contacts me directly to help authenticate a prop or collection – which I did for free – only to see it show up on eBay a few days after informing him it is a replica, being offered as “an original” and “not a reproduction prop” and “the real thing and very valuable”… I informed him that my expert’s opinion was that the piece was “a replica” and explained why and that these pieces were of little value. Not the $8,500 Buy It Now price on eBay. I even provided links to online collecting communities for further opinion and additional resources. [Read more…]