Currently listed on eBay is a Star Wars Jawa Sandcrawler model that is marketed as “FROM ORIGINAL 1976 STAR WARS and “ONLY PRE-PRODUCTION MODEL IN EXISTANCE!”. I archived an auction listing from the same seller for the same item from earlier in the year and have compiled facts, photographs, and information from key Star Wars publications to compare with this piece and how it was marketed in January 2008 and now in July 2008. [Read more…]
kellysheroesmilitaria Original Props: Update 3
This is a follow-up to previous articles (see kellysheroesmilitaria Original Props… and Update 1) in which original prop auctions by “kellysheroesmilitaria” on eBay were compared with matching items available for sale from online retailers, as well as another article (Update 2) looking at medals attributed to Band of Brothers that were not created until late 1945 and 1981, following the end of World War II. This update now compares non-movie prop purchases made on eBay by “kellysheroesmilitaria” and items that appear to match being resold as original props. [Read more…]
kellysheroesmilitaria Original Props – Update 2
This is a follow-up to previous articles (see kellysheroesmilitaria Original Props… and Update 1) in which original prop auctions by “kellysheroesmilitaria” on eBay were compared with matching items available for sale from online retailers. This update now analyzes two medals offered at auction attributed to use in the HBO television series, Band of Brothers. Special thanks to the OPB reader who identified these medals. [Read more…]
kellysheroesmilitaria Original Props: Update 1
This is a follow-up to an article posted a few days ago (see kellysheroesmilitaria Original Props and Jas Townsend & Son Products) in which a reader pointed out some interesting original prop auctions by “kellysheroesmilitaria” on eBay and matching retail props available for sale at retail. Below are some additional pieces offered for sale as original movie props that match items available for sale at retail. [Read more…]
Star Wars “Original Prototype Lightsabers from 1976 Meeting”
Elstree Props (e11e on eBay) is marketing another very expensive “original” prop auction with pieces claimed to have been “prototypes” in the production of Star Wars: A New Hope. This new eBay offering is a set of lightsabers, attributed to a January 1976 meeting. Comparing the claims made in the auction listing with J.W. Rinzler’s The Making of Star Wars raises many questions about these vintage camera flashguns being offered for sale starting at $19,938.00. [Read more…]
Star Wars “Prototype” Stormtrooper Helmets
Over the past several years, one issue that has been discussed among hobbyists from time to time relates to questions about Stormtrooper helmets characterized as “prototypes” and attributed to the production of the first Star Wars film, A New Hope. A number of hobbyists do not believe these helmets are indeed prototypes (precursors to the helmets made for and used in A New Hope) but made following that production, which would classify them as non-Original or replicas. [Read more…]
Gremlins Prop Head on eBay: Listed Yet Again
This is one of a continuing series of articles on Gremlins props offered for sale in marketplace via eBay. Previous articles include: [Read more…]
The Lord of the Rings, Global Antiques, and Auction Depot LA
I recently came across an eBay auction that ended a few weeks ago, offered by Auction Depot LA with a Global Antiques COA titled: “THE LORD OF THE RINGS FILM PROP ORIGINAL SWORD +COA NR!”. This piece realized $257.55 at auction.
This seller and consignor/authenticator have already been topics of past articles: [Read more…]