This past week, SyFy aired the third and fourth episodes of the new cable television series “Hollywood Treasure”, featuring Joe Maddalena, Brian Chanes, and the staff of Profiles in History. The reality-based series follows Joe and his efforts to secure important Hollywood memorabilia for his live auction sale events. This continues a series of regular reviews of each episode, following last week’s review of episodes #101 and #102. [Read more…]
Disney To Acquire Marvel Entertainment In $4 Billion Deal; Future Impact on “Studio Reseller” Deals?
Disney announced today that it is in the process of buying Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion dollars in cash and stock. This acquisition will include ownership over Marvel’s thousands of characters as well as Marvel Studios, which is responsible for film franchises such as Iron Man, The Avengers, Thor, and Captain America. [Read more…]
San Diego Comic Con 2009: Event Recap, Impressions, Experiences, Perspectives
As with last year’s event, I thought I’d share my own personal impressions and experiences about Comic-Con International 2009 in San Diego, to close out my series of articles and features on the event (see San Diego Comic Con 2009). [Read more…]
San Diego Comic Con 2009: Video Interview with Alec Peters, PropWorx
I had an opportunity to meet and chat with Alec Peters, CEO of PropWorx, while attending San Diego Comic Con. The video interview includes a recap of the Battlestar Galactica auction (past and future), a “state of the hobby” review, talk about competition among other dealers/resellers and auction houses, a discussion of issues in the hobby, and news about the future of PropWorx. [Read more…]
Comic-Con 2008: Iron Man Armor
Below are photos of the Iron Man armor from the Iron Man film, on display at Comic-Con International 2008 in San Diego this week: [Read more…]
Comic-Con 2008: Iron Monger Armor from Iron Man
Below are photos of the Iron Monger armor from the Iron Man film, on display at Comic-Con International 2008 in San Diego this week: [Read more…]