On the heels of the vintage poster scandal reported on earlier this month (see Charges of Fraud Rock The Collectible Movie Poster Market and Hobby), there has been more controversy in the collectible poster memorabilia field as yet another scandal – and altogether different kind of fraud – has been uncovered by members of that community. [Read more…]
Vintage Universal Horror Poster Fraud Update: Video Interview with Joe Maddalena, Profiles in History
I was in Los Angeles yesterday interviewing Joe Maddalena as part of my coverage of the upcoming Profiles in History “Hollywood Auction 37” event scheduled for next month, and took the opportunity to discuss the recent news of fraud in the poster collecting hobby. [Read more…]
Charges of Fraud Rock The Collectible Movie Poster Market and Hobby
Various reports have surfaced in recent weeks about a scandal involving what experts claim are counterfeit ’30s-’40s horror movie posters, window cards, and lobby cards. Some reporting on this story estimate that several million dollars worth of this material has been sold and traded into the marketplace, which has purportedly resulted in at least two lawsuits. [Read more…]