Profiles in History has released the catalog of the LOST live auction scheduled for August 21-22 at Barker Hangar at the Santa Monica Airport. The catalog preview available online at is broken into six parts, one for each season, showcasing the original props, costumes, and other assets from ABC Studios television series LOST which concluded earlier this year. [Read more…]
Profiles in History Announce Barker Hangar at Santa Monica Airport as Location for LOST Live Auction August 21st & 22nd
Today Profiles in History announced the selection of Barker Hangar at the Santa Monica Airport as the venue for their live auction of original props, costumes, and other assets from LOST, the hit ABC Studios television series which ended this year. [Read more…]
Original Television and Movie Prop, Wardrobe, and Entertainment Memorabilia Auctions: Upcoming Event Calendar
Below is the latest updated list of upcoming original movie and television prop, wardrobe, and memorabilia auction events. Please contact me if you are aware of any coming events of interest to original prop collectors. [Read more…]
Superman Costumes in the Marketplace Archive: April – July 2010
This article continues coverage of Superman costumes and costume components offered for sale publicly in the marketplace attributed to use in the Superman films of the 70s-80s starring Christopher Reeve and characterized as “original” and “authentic”. [Read more…]
eBay Shill Bidder Ordered By Judge To Pay £5,000
As reported back in April (see New eBay Legal Development in the UK – Seller to be Fined up to £50,000 for Shill Bidding), an eBay seller in the UK, Paul Barrett, plead guilty to shill bidding his own auctions. Yesterday, the judge in the case ordered Barrett to pay £5,000 in fines and court costs and to do 250 hours of community service. [Read more…]
Prop Talk Podcast #004 – Jez Hill, | Interview by The Original Prop Blog with Jason DeBord
Jez Hill, Star Wars Helmets, special guest. This is the fourth ‘Prop Talk’ podcast, a new regular feature for the Original Prop Blog. This is an effort to use old and new technology to bring a richer and more informative and entertaining experience to the site. Jez has really provided a great service to fans with his study of helmets and masks used in the Star Wars films by researching and memorializing information on his “Star Wars Helmets” website for many years.
Prop Talk Podcast #003 – Lennard Billin, Reel Clothes and Props | Interview by The Original Prop Blog with Jason DeBord
Lennard Billin, Reel Clothes and Props, special guest. This is the third ‘Prop Talk’ podcast, a new regular feature for the Original Prop Blog. This is an effort to use old and new technology to bring a richer and more informative and entertaining experience to the site. Lennard with Reel Clothes is another pioneer in the hobby, who has been selling props and wardrobe directly on behalf of the studios for many years. [Read more…]
Christie’s “The Roy Rogers & Dale Evans Museum Collection” Auction July 14-15 at Rockefeller Plaza
Christie’s will be offering “The Roy Rogers & Dale Evans Museum Collection” at auction on July 14-15 at Rockefeller Plaza in New York. The catalog for this event can be viewed online, along with an interview with Roy Rogers Jr. (“Dusty”). [Read more…]