On the heels of the vintage poster scandal reported on earlier this month (see Charges of Fraud Rock The Collectible Movie Poster Market and Hobby), there has been more controversy in the collectible poster memorabilia field as yet another scandal – and altogether different kind of fraud – has been uncovered by members of that community. [Read more…]
Chess Pieces from Ingmar Bergman’s “The Seventh Seal” Sold by Bukowskis in Sweden for $144,000 Today
Assets from legendary filmmaker Ingmar Bergman’s estate were auctioned today by Bukowskis in Sweden (as previously reported, see Personal Property & Memorabilia of Legendary Filmmaker Ingmar Bergman to be Auctioned in Stockholm, Sweden). [Read more…]
Christie’s Original Prop “King Kong” Stop-Motion Armature – High Resolution Photography
There has been significant interest in the King Kong stop-motion armature that is scheduled to be auctioned in Christie’s “Pop Culture” auction event on November 24, 2009 at South Kensignton, as reported on Monday (see Christie’s November 2009 Entertainment Memorabilia Auction to Feature Original Prop “King Kong” Stop-Motion Armature and UPDATE). Christie’s has since provided the Original Prop Blog with additional high resolution photography. [Read more…]
Christie’s November 2009 Entertainment Memorabilia Auction to Feature Original Prop “King Kong” Stop-Motion Armature
The next Christie’s “Pop Culture” auction event, scheduled for November 24, 2009 at their South Kensignton location in the UK, will feature one of the original stop-motion armatures from King Kong (1933). This piece is expected to realize a very high price at auction, as it is an extremely important artifact from a truly classic film. [Read more…]
Profiles in History Offers Online “Preview” Catalog of Props in Next Year’s LOST Auction
As announced earlier this week, as part of my coverage of next month’s auction (see Video Interview: Joe Maddalena and Profiles in History “Hollywood Auction 37″, Disney/ABC’s “LOST” Auction Update), Profiles in History today published a special preview catalog of LOST items to be offered in their event in June 2010. [Read more…]
Brandon Alinger, Prop Store of London – Movie Prop & Costume Showcase Video Shorts
During my trip to Burbank this past Tuesday, I made time for a short visit to meet with Brandon Alinger of the Prop Store of London at their Los Angeles facility. While at their offices, I took the opportunity to shoot a few brief videos (approximately 1-2 minutes each) with Brandon to feature and provide some background on some of the more interesting showcase pieces on display. [Read more…]
ScreenUsed Launches “Production Art Gallery” Website for Original Film & Television Artwork
Today ScreenUsed launched a new website with an offering that is different from yet compliments their existing business of selling original props and costumes. Production Art Gallery (www.productionartgallery.com) features original movie and television-related concept art, storyboards, costume designs, matte paintings, blueprints/schematics, photographs, publishing & merchandising art, and rare advertising art. [Read more…]
Profiles in History “Hollywood Auction 37” High Resolution Photography
In addition to shooting video at the Profiles in History offices yesterday, I also took 175 high resolution still photos of some of the material comprising their “Hollywood Auction 37” catalog. The event will be held next month at Calabasas Hills, California on October 8th and 9th. [Read more…]