This is the last in the series of video interviews conducted while visiting Breanna Livie and talking about The Golden Closet and Eastern Costume. In this segment, I speak with James Livie and Breanna Livie about the origins of Costume Rentals Corporations (CRC) and Eastern Costume Company. [Read more…]
Entertainment Weekly Reports: “SyFy Goes Hunting for Hollywood” with Joe Maddalena on the SyFy Channel
Entertainment Weekly’s Michael Ausiello reports via his “Ausiello Files” exclusively today that the SyFy network has greenlit a new cable television series,’Hunting Hollywood’. EW reports that the “documentary-style show” will feature information about collecting pop culture memorabilia, as well as original props and costumes from film and television. Joe Maddalena, owner and CEO of Profiles in History, will serve as the host of the program. [Read more…]
Video Interview Series: Breanna Livie (The Golden Closet, Eastern Costume) ‘The Eastern Costume Warehouse’
This is the next in the series of video interviews conducted while visiting Breanna Livie and talking about The Golden Closet and Eastern Costume. In this segment, I speak with Breanna Livie about the Eastern Costume business in general and the main warehouse. [Read more…]
Impressions: Profiles in History “Hollywood Auction 40” Event
Profiles in History’s “Hollywood Auction 40” was held Thursday, Friday and today on-site at the Profiles in History offices in Calabasas Hills, with remote bidding available over the Internet via LiveAuctioneers, as well as direct via mail, fax, and telephone bidding. The first two days alone offered the type of material that is traditional for their regular auction events, including original television and movie props, costumes, and other memorabilia. Today’s Day 3 included the special sale of material limited to the Star Trek franchise. [Read more…]
Video Interview Series: Gilberto Guzman, Master Tailor for Eastern Costume
This is one of a series of video interviews conducted while in Hollywood late last month. In this segment, I speak with Breanna Livie and the Master Tailor for Eastern Costume, Gilberto Guzman. [Read more…]
Video Interview Series: Breanna Livie, Sierra Bay Robinson (The Golden Closet, Eastern Costume) ‘The Star Fitting Room’ Part II
This is the second in a multi-part series of interviews with Breanna Livie of The Golden Closet at her family’s business, the famous Eastern Costume. These videos provide a “behind the scenes” glimpse into both businesses. [Read more…]
Video Interview Series: Breanna Livie (The Golden Closet, Eastern Costume) ‘The Star Fitting Room’ Part I
This is the first in a multi-part series of interviews with Breanna Livie of The Golden Closet at her family’s business, the famous Eastern Costume. These videos provide an opportunity to learn more about both companies and well as the costume rental business historically and as it operates today with new Hollywood productions. [Read more…]
Premiere Props “Classic Hollywood Memorabilia and Prop Auction” Catalog Online, Event June 19th
Premiere Props is hosting their “Classic Hollywood Live Auction” on June 19th in Los Angeles. Auction service providers LiveAuctioneers and iCollector have both published the catalog online, promoting the event as featuring over 500 original props and costumes from a variety of films. [Read more…]