This is part of my ongoing coverage of San Diego Comic-Con 2017. Having just concluded their own D23 convention a week earlier in Anaheim, it is obvious that Disney favors their own event as it grows more and more each year. The main attractions at the Star Wars exhibitor area was similar to the prior year.
The Star Wars exhibit held no surprises, following a similar format as 2016 with some costumes on display in the same area as last year. Except last year we had costumes from the spectacular Rogue One; this year the costume are from the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Below are the photos from the display in the main exhibit hall – scroll downward to activate the autoloading photo gallery and click on any image to open the virtual lightbox and browse higher resolution versions of the images:
For all coverage of Comic-Con International: San Diego this year, click the link below…