This is part of my ongoing coverage of San Diego Comic-Con 2017. This year, Profiles in History was promoting their sale for “The Personal Property Auction of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds”, scheduled for September 23rd.
I have done articles on Profiles in History at Comic-Con International every year for the past ten years (see articles from 2008, 2009 Part 1 & 2009 Part 2, 2010 Part 1 & 2010 Part 2, 2011, 2012, 2013 Part 1, 2013 Part 2, 2014, 2015, 2016) and this is the second year as well as the second consecutive year in which their exhibit was not focused on TV and/or movie props and costumes, though they just completed a massive Hollywood auction event last month. This sale (recently in the news with questions about a few of the items) includes collectibles more along the lines of personally owned property like “novelty items”, “awards”, and “fan art”, etc.
Below are the photos from the display in the main exhibit hall – scroll downward to activate the autoloading photo gallery and click on any image to open the virtual lightbox and browse higher resolution versions of the images:
For all coverage of Comic-Con International: San Diego this year, click the link below…