This is part of my ongoing coverage of San Diego Comic-Con 2016. Disney had scheduled their Star Wars Celebration convention event to be held in London the week leading up to SDCC, but they still put together an impressive collection of original costumes together for exhibit at San Diego Comic Con at their official booth. This year, it was all costumes from the upcoming Rogue One, which is due in theaters in December.
The costumes on display were for the characters Two Tubes, Jyn Erso, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, Bodhi Rook, Captain Cassian Andor, Director Orson Kremnic, Imperial Death Trooper, and Shoretrooper (the latter displayed separately near the Hasbro booth).
Below are the photos from the display in the main exhibit hall – click any image to open the virtual lightbox gallery and browse the images:
For all coverage of Comic-Con International: San Diego this year, click the link below…