Prop Store’s second annual Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction will be held at the Odeon BFI IMAX in Waterloo, London on September 23rd. The live event will feature more than 450 lots of props, costumes and other film and television memorabilia. The catalog is due out on September 26th, and there will be a two week long exhibition leading up to the auction.
You can learn all about the sale, register to bid, and order the catalog on the official site at

Below is an exclusive photo preview of some of the highlight items in the sale, including Rick Deckard’s Hero Vid Phone from Blade Runner, an original Stormtrooper helmet from The Empire Strikes Back, the evil clown head from Poltergeist, the Nostromo laser pistol from Alien, the Enterprise C model from Star Trek, the Rocketeer helmet, Spock and Uhura costumes from Star Trek, and a Christopher Reeve tunic from Superman:
Jason DeBord